Tuesday, 4 December 2012

God Brings The Right People At The Right Time.....

Joel Osteen said it best when he said." People act differently around those they think can do something for them- people who have status, wealth or influence in life."
I have to agree and say that often it is the stone in our lives, the unlikely, the unassuming, the ones who appear to have nothing to offer, that are linked to your destiny, but most often we are too busy chasing the diamonds.
We may think that the people of status and wealth and the somebodies will be the ones to open doors for us but the real-somebodies in our lives don't just open doors they are the ones who walk through them with us. They are the key-holders.
Treat everyone with honour and respect. open your eyes to the unlikely, the imperfect, the ones who offer nothing they are often the ones who have an abundance of lessons tucked deep within the folds of their unassuming attire. Most successful people will tell you a story of a simpleton who propelled them in ways they never imagined, and if you don't believe me, look in the bible for how many biblical stories lead you on this path.
I believe how we treat people is the real test of who we are. How we act when no one is looking, and the million dollar question, "whats in it for me?" doesn't come -up in thought or conversation.
take time today to stop and reflect...... God uses the most unlikely people to turn ours lives around.

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