Saturday, 3 November 2012

A Letter of Thanks


With my birthday approaching on Sunday, I thought of at least 5 things that I wanted to change. I thought about the little wrinkles under my eyes, I made acknowledgements to God about my aching bones and my lack of motivation to join a yoga class. I thought about my dreams and aspirations.
Then I began to reflect on the challenges of my year and God and I had a little talk. I talked and he listened. 
 Bumps in the road, up hill battles, and challenges I never believed that I would face and then I really began to think. Somehow the things I wanted became smaller and few and the things I had achieved thus far became bigger and bigger. I had climbed the mountain..... I did not reach the top but I was still climbing....... I could have fallen back down to the bottom of the hill, but I was still standing.
 I felt humble and grateful.
My children's books were in my hands and the characters that had been a figment of imagination looked back at me in the pages of the books. How many people can say that! The dreams of my best friend and I had come true, I was feeling elated and suddenly I wanted to cry. I have been truly and thoroughly blessed. I am a wife, a mother and a sister and a daughter.
I am Blessed, and grateful for whatever I have..... and for my birthday the only gift I want is another year and more to come..... and to continue my climb.....
Thank You God....