Friday, 30 November 2012

Kindness Is Contagious


Baron De Rothschild once asked artist Ary Scheffer to paint his portrait. Though a wealthy financier. Rothschild posed as a beggar, wearing rags and holding a tin cup. During one day of painting, a friend of the artist entered the room. Thinking Rothschild was really a beggar, he dropped a coin in his cup.
Ten years later that man received a letter from the Baron De Rothschild and a cheque for ten thousand francs. The message read."You one day gave a coin to baron Rothschild in the studio of Ary Scheffer. he has invested it and today sends you the capital which you entrusted to him, together with the compounded interest. "A good action always brings good fortune."
 You don't have to be a martyr looking for ways to sacrifice yourself when doing something for others, but a simple, random act of kindness.  No one need know you did it. You do it with the understanding that you are doing a service for someone else without any gain to yourself. You are detaching from any benefits that may come your way, letting go of the results from you actions.

Meaning you perform the action of kindness, however simple, without a plan for any result or reward, just forget about it and let the universe remember for you.
God never forgets a kindness.

Taken from the book
You Changed My Life By Max Lucado

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Its Not Too Late......Pack a shoe box online

Give the gift of love this year...... do it now, a child is waiting to receive their box of joy!

It's not too late! Pack a shoe box online and share God's love with a hurting child overseas without
 even leaving your home!
Pack shoe boxes online and support the work that Samaritan's Purse is doing around the world.
  • Select from a variety of gift items for a boy or girl in each designated age group
  • Personalize each shoe box you pack with a photo and personal note

Monday, 26 November 2012

Yes, Virginia There Is A Santa Claus....dont let others dash your childs dreams away you be the judge.

A few weeks ago I listened to a friend who told the story of her little girl who came home from school in tears because another child had told her that Santa wasn't real. I will tell you that my friend was devastated, and wondered how much of her little girls disappointment was the classmates fault or how much responsibility for the heartbreak could she herself account for.

"Now what?" she asked. Did she tell her disillusioned child the  truth, did she lie, and hadn't she already lied to her children when she told them every year to be good because Santa was watching.

I have given this quite some thought and as always I will give you my opinion as I gave it to my friend. There are so many things to say regarding this, yes, we do break our children's trust when we openly lie to them only to reveal the truth later. Yes, there is a Jesus and Christmas for Christian families should be about the birth of Christ and not a man in a red suit.  Are mothers and fathers  at  the pinnacle  of  this lie absolutely, we falter, and stumble around the house in our dischevelled state the night before to place the gifts we stood in long line ups to buy under the tree like a thief in the night.But as I see it, we have not invented another wheel, our generation will not be the first or the last to at some point disappoint our children. This is what I told my friend. children have their whole lives to feel the bitter sting of the cruel world, why do we need to take their rainbows and dreams away so quickly.
here are a few things you may say to your children;

1. Jesus is our true gift and in the story of the bible the wise men did bring Jesus gifts.
2. Mommies and Daddy's have the true spirit of Christmas in their hearts they want to share it by leaving their children gifts of love.
3. We    should tell our children that we all have the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and that gift-giving-and receiving does not always have to come from the man in the suit.
4. Children clearly see at least 50 Santa dressed men in the month of December, clearly they may start to ask questions...... You might point out how their are so many people involved in the spirit of giving.
5. be gentle, whats wrong with a child believing in the wonder..... I say the "wonder" of Christmas not just the red suit.
6. When friends tell your children about the lie of Santa, it does not have to be your lie too, it is only their own belief, give your children the freedom to make up their own minds, after all who doesn't want to believe in magic,  Santa is magical. We invite Magicians into  our homes for birthday parties, why not a Santa?

I believe that a child will eventually choose to  believe  even though the world has told them their version. What child would not go to sleep at night and still get up excited for their wonders under the tree at Christmas.

 So yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus, he lives in our hearts and brings to life the magic we store there.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Come On Canada Give A Shoe Box today......

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the message of God’s unconditional love.
Operation Christmas Child provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on project of Samaritan's Purse that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas -Jesus Christ - God's greatest gift.
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes from Canada collected in 2012 will be distributed to the following countries*:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uruguay, Venezuela


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Road Is Endless.....take the step of faith

Your lifes purpose is waiting for you. Take the step of faith and move blindly.....that is what we do when we can't see what's ahead. Start today,look beyond the unknowing and believe in this picture the path loomed out forever with no end in sight, how many of you would have just turned back, uncertain of what lay ahead. 
 As I look at this photo I am reminded of one of my most treasured quotes by the Indian Philosopher
 Rabindranath Tagore who wrote........
"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark"
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
- Sir Winston Churchill
Go ahead take that step, you may not know where it leads but you will never find out if you just stand there.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

You Changed My Life

I was given a gift the other day that left me sitting in stunned silence. This special friend slipped it into my hand as I made way to leave her and so I did not open it until I got home.
stories of real people with remarkable hearts
The very first page is this verse.....
a Gift for _________then my name.
From_______________then(her name)
You changed my life by:
and this is what she wrote....
By: Just Being Part Of It!
My eyes misted and I could not focus on the writing in front of me... then I flipped the page and a sound came from my throat and the tears flowed freely. I will write for you a few lines of the opening of this book.
This book is for someone special.You.
"Who, me?" you're asking yourself. Yes. You.
You made a difference in the life of the one who gave you this book. You shared words of wisdom, gave of yourself, mentored, led, walked alongside a hurting friend, took time to notice when others didn't. You did something for someone else. your words, actions, time..... whatever it was, you gave willingly, fully, selflessly. You changed a life.
And what you did mattered. Your actions mattered to the one who gave you this book. But more importantly, what you did mattered to the One who matters most. "God is fair; he will not forget the work you did and the love you showed for him by helping his people" ( Hebrews 6:10NCV)
May Gods Richest Blessings Be Yours.
It was the loveliest thing to have been acknowleged in that way..... and the book is full of inspirational and warming stories you must read...... If you have a special someone in your life whom you think is deserving of such a treasure please buy them this little book for Christmas.....
I encourage all my followers to read it...
..this year I will give this gift to someone who did the same for me........

Monday, 12 November 2012

The Shoe Tree

Three quarters of the miseries and misunderstandings in the world would finish if people were to put on the shoes of their adversaries and understood their points of view
Mahatma Gandhi
The Shoe Tree in the town of Port Bolster
 It is said that a shoe tree starts with one dreamer, tossing his or her footwear into the sky, to catch on an out-of-reach branch.It is there that the shoe's journey ends. But the amazing thing about the shoe tree is that the first pair of shoes triggers a shoe tossing frenzy .
 Soon, everyone from teenagers to young children and families are gathering up their shoes and driving over to have a toss of their old walking memories. The thing that I find most fascinating about this tree is, on closer look you will find that most of these old shoes have messages on the sneakers or shoes with permanent marker. Messages of love, loss and inspiration are often inscribed on these old walkers.

This weekend my sister and mother drove out to this little town and the mission became clear. My mom unwrapped the black leather shoes that had once belonged to my dad and my sister tied a little note wrapped in a plastic baggy and then tossed his favourite shoes up into that old tree with the thousands of others. My father was a wonderful man and we all miss him very much, he doesn't need those shoes any more. The thought of his favourite shoes strung up on that tree brought tears to my eyes and a smile on my lips. We wouldnt have it any other way, the Salvation Army would have just given them away and someone else would have been walking a mile in his shoes. Thats what made me smile, my sister and my mother knew..... no one could ever walk a day in his shoes...and so there they remain, a legend along side of the others, their tattered state a testimony of his life.

 In that picture somewhere in the middle are an old pair of black leather shoes not alone but amid some of the best old walkers in this state. "You know what, old tree, you just got another set of old clonkers but the man who wore them was nothing but a gem.

This is my mom getting ready to do the toss........

Friday, 9 November 2012

Take The Test.....

The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.--Heda Bejar

This year with the Holidays soon approaching give the gift of Giving and Grattitude.

1. Give of yourself . Give generously of your time buy someone a coffee, lend a friend a hand, drop off someone on your way home. Change the direction of your usual pattern and stop and go the other way. The change to yourself is often the most unexpected of gifts.

2.  Speak words of Grattitude and Thanks.Tell the ones who support you how much you appreciate them, whether it be friend or spouse, child or co-worker. Go the long mile.... pick up the phone and make that call. Drop off an unexpected gift or coffee, make dinner for someone.

3. Mend the broken-hearted. You just might mend your own as you go. Do the unexpected for not only the ones you love but the ones who you dont. Call that person whom you put on the back-burner, the one you said you would never call again. Donate to a charity that you dont belong to, often the ones who need us most is our own neighbours who are to proud to say it. The single mother or family who is struggling, or our own churches. Be a friend or a comfort to others, loneliness  silently, damages ones soul.

Start the gift of Giving and Grattitude today..... take the test.... do it for 30 days and let me know what happens.....  I look forward to your comments.
 This year for Christmas reach-deeper than your pockets -reach for your hearts.

Heda bejar-- said it best..... "the fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose".
Let your hands this year tell your story......

Saturday, 3 November 2012

A Letter of Thanks


With my birthday approaching on Sunday, I thought of at least 5 things that I wanted to change. I thought about the little wrinkles under my eyes, I made acknowledgements to God about my aching bones and my lack of motivation to join a yoga class. I thought about my dreams and aspirations.
Then I began to reflect on the challenges of my year and God and I had a little talk. I talked and he listened. 
 Bumps in the road, up hill battles, and challenges I never believed that I would face and then I really began to think. Somehow the things I wanted became smaller and few and the things I had achieved thus far became bigger and bigger. I had climbed the mountain..... I did not reach the top but I was still climbing....... I could have fallen back down to the bottom of the hill, but I was still standing.
 I felt humble and grateful.
My children's books were in my hands and the characters that had been a figment of imagination looked back at me in the pages of the books. How many people can say that! The dreams of my best friend and I had come true, I was feeling elated and suddenly I wanted to cry. I have been truly and thoroughly blessed. I am a wife, a mother and a sister and a daughter.
I am Blessed, and grateful for whatever I have..... and for my birthday the only gift I want is another year and more to come..... and to continue my climb.....
Thank You God....

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Fifty Shades Of Red.......

During the summer as I prepared for my move to condo-living. I was rather forced to give many of my reading books away. Family and friends flocked to receive my treasures as I am an avid reader. My fellow co-worker was the first to receive a copy of the 3 novel series of Fifty Shades Of Grey that I had purchased. Now I must admit I only read book one and became so busy with my move that Mr. Christian Grey was put on the back-burner.

 As the summer progressed to fall I saw her, my friend, submerged in a colour quite UN like grey, and if I had to make a comparison I would probably say it was closer to the shade of red.

Lunch time hide-outs in my office or in a quiet room she sat engrossed in the books. Now she is anything but a hopeless romantic and she is quite frankly a no-nonsense kind of girl and for this very reason did I stop to think about this Mr. Grey. He was in fact spinning the heads of almost all women. This fifty shades of grey was putting us women in the red! 

 Before long where ever there was a huddle of women or young girls at the centre of the conversation was “Fifty Shades of Grey”.

 What has women spell bound and wanting more? Surely it’s not the dominatrix mode that is demonstrated in this book. As I pondered more about it I will, as always give my own opinion and here it goes…..
It is not the whips and chains and submission to a domineering man that has women spell bound and captive.

 It is the pursuit. The Christian Grey at your door in the middle of the night, the Christian on your computer screen e-mailing you constantly. The Christian grey who appears in the nick of time to save you and won’t share you with another. Women and young girls want to be pursued! They are excited about the level of wanting and need versus carnal appetite.

 The next key word I will use is Possession, the enticement, the thrill, of feeling totally possessed and wanted by a man. The mere thought of your man flying into a rage because someone else glances your way… does wonders for a woman’s ego.
What-ever the reasons for our shade of red…. The definition of sexy…. is a man that’s totally into you and only you!

 Maybe just maybe the men of today have forgotten the chase. As for my co-worker, she’s quite done with Christian Grey, but she still carries that smile on her face that can only be described as smoking grey. Maybe we are all hopeless romantics just looking for the next good read.