Can we really see into the windows of our soul? What do our eyes really say about us?
Do we all walk around with a mask? If our eyes could talk would we say what our hearts could not?
Life is an open door what we choose to do with it is the million dollar question. Do we invite people in or do we simply co-exit in a manner that allows us to masquerade as the world would have us?
Everything in life is a mirror that creates the images we portray. If we portray images of light and well being we become those things. If we portray shame or humiliation we also become those things. What are you seeing when you glance into the mirror? In order to receive you must first believe, you must first declare that all your beliefs about yourself are true. So what are you declaring about yourself, may just be what others see as they look into your eyes. We cannot hide what the mirror of our soul reflects and that is your eyes.So if you want your inner self and your outer self to match you need to balance the good with the bad.Once you make this realization the smoky mirror begins to clear and there you will see your true self.
So today, ask yourself if what you feel about yourself on the inside is what reflects yourself on the outside. We can all display a perfect outer shell but what lies beneath will always slip through the cracks and be revealed.
So be true to yourself and live the most authentic life possible and become what your inner self is. No more lies or deceit, but embrace yourself with all your flaws. we are all on the eternal search for truth, let that truth however painful propel you into wholeness.
its just life ... what you living 4 today?