Putting your trust in a higher power is the only power you need.
Knowledge may cause a person to grow... but love is the only thing that builds them up...When we look over our shoulders the future is unseen and our past looms behind us. Imagine driving through a beautiful country side but your only view is the rear view mirror and the quick glimpses of things as they fade helplessly from your distorted view.Looking back does not allow us to look towards the future. Don't let your past failures or mistakes define who you are. Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our joy. conquering it is not something that we can do in one day., it is something we conquer one day at a time with God's help.
Rabindranath Tagore
Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.
The person who can still see a ray of hope and light among the dark skies is the person who has faith that the sun is truly coming.
Live life fully expecting wonderful things to happen and when they don't keep expecting and have faith that they already are and they will be.