Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Permission To be Me.....

These are things I give myself......
I give myself Permission to Rest.
I give myself leave... of all that hinders my spiritual progress and growth.
I give myself permission to Fail.
I give myself Authority to take a stand for what is mine.
Life is too short for long pity parties...... so I give myself permission to cry and loudly if needed!
I give myself the Belief in Miracles, God is waiting for me to see him in everything!
 I order myself  to go after what I love in life,  and not take no for an answer.
I authorise myself to burn all the good  candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie and wear my best perfume to bed for no one else but myself! I'm worth it!
Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift .......
I give myself and others the gift of forgiveness, I forgive  everyone everything.
  Lastly I give myself permission to just live

Life's promises for 2015..... Live and let Go 
It's Just Life, What are you living 4??

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Check your price tag...

Choosing the right path and allowing yourself the pleasure of knowing who you really are is the wonder of your true identity. The analogy of throwing our lives in a pool of water and sifting it through, we look for the valuables and we discard the things we don't need. Who would choose a rotten old pair of shoes if we know that we could have a brand new pair. So we sift and we sift and bring to the surface the things of value.
 Our beliefs , our identities, our very nature and we discard the old , the used, and the things that have no real value. We trade these things in for the double digit price tags. We place value to ourselves and we take ourselves off the back shelves and we place ourselves in the forefront and place unimaginable value and worth to our persons. That's who we are and no one can place a value or a price tag on ourselves except for us. 

Stop accepting the value that others bestow on us and start to value yourself. We are irreplaceable and worth more than you can imagine.
The same belief that allows us to choose the Gucci over the Walmart brand, or the used car over the Mercedes. We are worth it! take a stand for yourself. Its just life... Live it without regret and live it knowing full well that your worth every bit of it.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Be Free.....
What is it about human nature that causes us to see others from the viewpoint of a recent failure. Instead of dwelling on the mistakes of the past, we should look-at what caused those situations and attempt to remedy them and make sure they don't happen again. 
 In order to remedy what went wrong the first time we need to delve in and get to the bottom of our mistakes.
We all fail but we need to go one step further, we need to learn more from our failures than our successes. 
 What we need to do is Forgive our self. Understand that we are here to learn and evolve from our mistakes. They do not define us, nor do they need to hold us in captivity and keep us from a happy and fulfilled life. There is an intelligence that is within each of us and guides us. Begin to let this source guide all your actions. Have faith that all outcomes are directed by the source (higher power...God). Start by setting goals..... or intentions and then let go of what that outcome should look like. Be a person of integrity and stay true to what you commit yourself to. 

Gandhi said, "the victory is in the doing," not the results.
 Live with consistent values and learn to trust yourself. What you choose to place your attention on is what becomes your reality so choose your thoughts wisely.

 Let Go and Let God.....leave the rest in his hands, as a friend once told me, "some battles are fought best on our knees."

Friday, 10 October 2014

A New Year Is coming....

The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results," banging our heads wondering why we expected this time would be different.

 Even smart and experienced people end up making bad choices. There is of course some statistical nonsense like the above quote of insanity, that we will, like hamsters be spinning on that continuous wheel, wondering when will it stop or end. So how do we stop the cycle? When does insanity become insane?
Here's something to think about;
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana

This year I will stop spinning wildly and start living better. I will  understand that in order to bring about change, it must occur with me first.  Every year we set expectations, we cast out the old and bring in the new with hopes of life changing experiences. If you want change , then change yourself.
That's it, that's all, I've given my life over to a higher power, one that's never too tired to hold the reins.
Here's a little declaration to my friends and family.
 Live , Laugh, and let Go....... It's Just Life!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Go ahead tell me it can't be done.
How often do you really challenge yourself? Life is not supposed to be a complacent and safe journey. I will challenge you if you will challenge me to try one new thing each week.
This week the Internet was abuzz with "The Ice Bucket Challenge". People were immersing themselves with buckets full of ice and water. No where in our safe daily schedule did we schedule ourselves the time to stand in pools of icy water gasping for breath from sheer shock. But we did it. The world plunged into icy shock.
I invite you to explore new things with me. Let's raise the bar and achieve what we would normally would not allow ourselves the opportunity to try.
Life is never safe and can become monotone if you don't venture out and reach for the unfamiliar.
Today I invite you to take a good look at your life and determine if there's an opportunity to push yourself do do something totally out of the ordinary.
record it and then continue each week from there.

It's Just Life...What Are You Waiting 4....
I'm In...

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Crossroad

Welcoming you all back to share with me

When it appears that your whole life has been turned upside down, seeing any light can be difficult.As the metaphor says"when you reach the crossroads"  decisions, direction and battles loom before you and there's a choice to be made. Left or right? Good or Bad? This road or that one?  

This year I stood before that very cross road of my life. I had the choice to fly-or-fall. I made decisions to leave the familiar and the safe and chose to embrace the new and the unknown. I said good-bye to false beliefs and I welcomed the quiet peaceful time with myself.
When we loose ourselves from people and things that rob you of your joy, suddenly life takes on a new meaning. Doors that had been closed suddenly opened and negative doors that were opened, loudly banged shut.

Life Is Beautiful So Live It With No Regrets....

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Look To The Future

Putting your trust in a higher power is the only power you need.
Knowledge may cause a person to grow... but love is the only thing  that builds them up...When we look over our shoulders the future is unseen and our past looms behind us. Imagine driving through a beautiful country side but your only view is the rear view mirror and the quick glimpses of things as they fade helplessly from your distorted view.Looking back does not allow us to look towards the future. Don't let your past failures or mistakes define who you are. Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our joy. conquering it is not something that we can do in one day., it is something we conquer one day at a time with God's help.

Rabindranath Tagore
Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.
The person who can still see a ray of hope and light among the dark skies is the person who has faith that the sun is truly coming.
Live life fully expecting wonderful things to happen and when they don't keep expecting and have faith that they already are and they will be.